UDP-Forwarder Plugin & UDPRemoteLogger
The UDP-Forwarder plugin can forward the received PicoScenes Rx frame to a remote computer via UDP. The UDPRemoteLogger program can listen to UDP and save the PicoScenes Rx frames to a .csi file on another machine. Their usage is straightforward.
The following command forwards the received frames to a remote machine with IP/port
PicoScenes "-d debug -i usrp --mode logger --freq 5190 --forward-to"
The following command receives PicoScenes Rx frames from port 50000 and save to a .csi file.
UDPRemoteLogger --port 50000
Utility Scripts
Besides the PicoScenes
main program, we also provide several handy bash scripts.
switch5300Firmware: switch between the normal and CSI-measurement firmware for IWL5300 NIC
CSI measurement on IWL5300 is powered by a special CSI measurement firmware, which cannot connect to the encryption-protected Wi-Fi network. To restore the regular connection, you have to switch to the ordinary firmware. This script does the firmware switch. It has three modes:
without argument will perform the auto-switching between the ordinary firmware and the CSI firmware.csi@csi-System:~$ switch5300Firmware Current iwlwifi firmware is CSI measurement version, Switching to plain ordinary measurement version... Reloading iwlwifi module ... csi@csi-System:~$ switch5300Firmware # auto-switch to CSI firmware Current iwlwifi firmware is plain ordinary version, Switching to CSI measurement version... Reloading iwlwifi module ...
switch5300Firmware csi
to force switch to the CSI firmwarecsi@csi-System:~$ switch5300Firmware csi Switching to CSI measurement version... Reloading iwlwifi module ...
switch5300Firmware ordinary
to force switch to the ordinary firmwarecsi@csi-System:~$ switch5300Firmware ordinary Switching to plain ordinary measurement version... Reloading iwlwifi module ...
array_status: list all PCI-E connected Wi-Fi NICs
As discussed in Device Naming, PicoScenes uses an ID system to refer to the specific Wi-Fi NICs.
shows the PhyPath, DevId, PhyId, [MonId], Device MAC address (changeable), Hardware MAC address (unchangeable), Carrier Frequency, Bandwidth, and Model description for each NIC. The default parameter is all, which lists all NICs. The following is a sample output:csi@csi-System:~$ array_status Device Status of Wi-Fi NIC array "all": PhyPath DEV PHY [MON] DEV_MacAddr [MON_MacAddr] [CF] [BW] ProductName 3 wlp3s0 phy5 00:21:6a:2a:8f:82 Ultimate N WiFi Link 5300 4 wlp4s0 phy1 00:16:ea:12:34:56 AR93xx Wireless Network Adapter 7 wlp7s0 phy6 00:16:ea:12:34:56 Wi-Fi 6 AX200
array_prepare_for_picoscenes: Put the NIC into monitor mode, get them unmanaged by Network-Manager, and more …
The most convenient CSI measurement mode for QCA9300 and IWL5300 is the packet injection-monitor mode. Some preparation needs to be done to put NICs in the CSI measurement mode, and
is the shortcut for the preparation. The following sample command prepares the NICs with PhyPath3
for CSI measurement.csi@csi-System:~$ array_prepare_for_picoscenes "3 4" "5200 HT20" Change CPU frequency governor to performance ... CPU frequency governor has been set to performance for 10 core(s). Un-managing NICs from Network-Manager ... Unlocking RF-Kill... Disabling power management... Disconnecting Wi-Fi... Stopping monitor interfaces... Changing MAC address... Skip setting the mac address (00:16:ea:12:34:56) for Intel 5300 NIC (wlp3s0)... Adding monitor interfaces... Adding a monitor interface for phy1 (phy1), named phy1mon ... Adding a monitor interface for phy13 (phy13), named phy13mon ... Changing working frequency to 5200 HT20 ... Preparation is done. ---------------------- Device Status of Wi-Fi NIC array "all": PhyPath DEV PHY [MON] DEV_MacAddr [MON_MacAddr] [CF] [BW] ProductName 3 wlp3s0 phy13 phy13mon 00:21:6a:2a:8f:82 00:21:6a:2a:8f:82 5200 20 Ultimate N WiFi Link 5300 4 wlp4s0 phy1 phy1mon 00:16:ea:12:34:56 00:0e:8e:59:8a:b7 5200 20 AR93xx Wireless Network Adapter 7 wlp7s0 phy14 44:af:28:57:6c:9b Wi-Fi 6 AX200 ----------------------
You may run
array_prepare_for_picoscenes -h
for help. -
RestoreNetwork: Restore ordinary Wi-Fi connection
to remove all monitor interfaces, and restore the managed state of NICs from the system Network-Manager.